
职 称:





 无机功能纳米材料化学与物理
 手性材料与性能
 半导体异质纳米结构与光电性能
 2019.09 – 至  今 :  美高梅mgm最新登录入口教授
 2014.02 –2019.09 :美国马里兰大学   Postdoctoral Research Associate
 美高梅mgm最新登录入口“青年拔尖人才”计划项目
在国际一流材料化学期刊上发表研究论文 30 篇,其中,以第一作者在Nat. Commun. (2 篇),J. Am. Chem. Soc. (4 篇),Adv. Mater.等期刊发表10篇研究论文,Google Scholar引用1200 余次,H 指数 19。部分代表论文如下:
1. Peng-peng Wang, QiaoQiao, Yimei Zhu, Min Ouyang*, Colloidal BinarySupracrystals with Tunable Structural Lattices. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018,140, 9095.
2. Peng-peng Wang#, Shang-Jie Yu#, Alexander Govorov, Min Ouyang*, Cooperative Expression of Atomic Chirality in Inorganic Nanostructures. Nat.Commun.2017, 8, 14312.
3. Peng-peng Wang, Shang-jie Yu, Min Ouyang*, Assembled Suprastructures of Inorganic Chiral Nanocrystals and Hierarchical Chirality. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 6070.
4. Bing Ni#, Huiling Liu#, Peng-peng Wang#, Jie He#,Xun Wang*,General Synthesis of Inorganic Single-Walled Nanotubes, Nat.Commun.2015, 6, 8756.
5. Peng-peng Wang, Hongyu Sun, Yongjun Li, Wenhai Li, Xun Wang*, Three-Dimensional Assembly of Single-Layered MoS2. Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 964.
6. Peng-peng Wang, Yong Yang, Jing Zhuang, Xun Wang*, Self-Adjustable Crystalline Inorganic Nanocoils. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 6834.
7. Peng-peng Wang, Bo Bai, Shi Hu, Jing Zhuang, Xun Wang*, Family of Multifunctional Layered-Lanthanum Crystalline Nanowires with Hierarchical Pores: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Applications. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 16953.